About John Bradshaw


John has a background in chemistry and was working as an epoxy chemist when he took up faceting in 1979.  A short time later, he gave up his chemists’ job to become a full time lapidary.  He held the position of Curator of gemstones at the Harvard Mineralogical Museum for twenty years.  John specializes in the finer “jewelry” type stones although he cuts the whole spectrum from soft to hard. 


University of Massachusetts (Boston): B.S. Chemistry, May, 1979
Salem State College (1980-81): Mineralogy, Crystallography courses towards degree in Geology
Gemological Institute of America (1980-83): Gemologist Certificate


1979-present: "John J. Bradshaw, Gemologist," Nashua, New Hampshire

1985-2005: Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts - Associate to the Mineralogical Museum curating the Museum's collection.
1990-96: Maine: member of the investment team involved in reopening Mt. Mica (one of the oldest gem mines in the U.S.).
1996: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: consultant, lapidary
1994-95: United States Department of Justice: expert witness in evaluation of rough tourmaline.
1992: Russia: worked for private investment company to evaluate rough diamonds, arrange for cutting and marketing of finished goods.
1991: Boston Museum of Science: worked as one of two primary consultants for the purpose of technical expertise in arranging, designing, and setting up the "Gems" exhibit on display from May through October.
1989: Central Africa Republic: involved with feasibility study with Tech Mining of Vancouver, British Columbia in alluvial diamond mining in Carnot and Bria.
1986: Pakistan: worked for private investment group and Gemstone Corporation of Pakistan on improved lapidary methods, emerald mining and marketing.


"Firm" member of American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) (currently serving on AGTA's Board of Directors)

"Supplier" member of American Gem Society (AGS)

Member Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A)

Member of New England Jewelers Association (NEJA)